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Facebook Gameroom is no longer available but we are raising funds to develop episode 2 on new platforms


The Facebook Gameroom platform has been recently retired, which means that there is currently no publicly available version of Padu available. We apologize for the inconvenience.

We are currently raising funds allow us to continue working on Padu episode 2, which should be eventually released on at least 2 mobile platforms - if our fundraising efforts succeed!

Our team will be creating NFTs which allows anybody to buy and sell limited amounts of unique and authentic Padu-artwork in digital form. 

Status update


We apologize for the lack of status updates. We are still slowly working on building the new adventures of Padu the sheep. 

Currently only the Facebook Gameroom version of Padu's first episode is publicly available. The improved iOS and Android versions will return to the stores simultaniously once episode 2 is released.


Padu featured on Facebook Gameroom starting today!


Padu has been selected by Facebook to be featured on Facebook Gameroom for a week, starting today 26th of January 2018!

Facebook Gameroom is Windows only, and also our first desktop release. We are also working on Mac and Linux versions too. Please contact us if you are interested in betatesting those platforms!

Currently in the start scene users may run into a bug which makes the game run in a non-standard size and makes it it hard or impossible to click the start-icon.

The problem goes away if you click Facebook Gameroom into fullscreen and out off it again. Fullscreen can also be activated with Alt+Enter and optionally Alt+Tab if there are problems with the game cursor.

We are currently fixing this bug. Thank you for your patience.  







Listen on Soundcloud!


Part of Padu : Raising Questions soundtrack can now be listened to on Soundcloud: